What is the full path to the Packages folder for Sublime text 2 on Mac OS Lion

I’m not seeing this question anywhere so I can only assume I’m doing something really stupid but… What is the full path to the “Packages” folder for Sublime Text 2. I’m looking to install a new theme. When I go to /Applications/Sublime Text 2.app/ There is a “Contents” Folder only Inside that is: Frameworks Info.plist … Read more

How can I make Sublime Text the default editor for Git?

I have a problem setting Sublime Text 2 as the core.editor with git. I’ve read through every post I could find addressing the problem, but still nothing is working for me. I am running Windows. I have done: git config –global core.editor “‘C:/Program Files/Sublime Text 2/sublime_text.exe'” and tried that with various arguments like -m. When … Read more

Replace uppercase with lowercase letters

I’m trying to replace uppercase letters with corresponding lowercase letters using regex. So that EarTH: 1, MerCury: 0.2408467, venuS: 0.61519726, becomes earth: 1, mercury: 0.2408467, venus: 0.61519726, in Sublime Text. How can I downcase letters only in words that contain both lower and uppercase letters? So that it affects venUs and not VENUS. 6 Answers … Read more