Use a separate custom table (not posts) to handle file upload data

The Problem: Website that has over 100 photos per post. Could possibly swell posts-table beyond 100K entries within a few years. The Dilemma: Would much rather stick to default WP UI for handling images/files with the built-in “Add Media” Uploader. I’d like to avoid using a separate File Gallery implementation if possible. The Question: Has … Read more

What for is the table “wp_commentmeta” exactly?

I have been reading about the Database Description of WordPress. I haven’t understood the meaning to the use of the table wp_commentmeta. The documentation says: Each comment features information called the meta data and it is stored in the wp_commentmeta. I have a fair idea of what meta-data is. I know how the table wp_postmeta … Read more

Whats the best way to share user data across multiple WordPress websites?

First of all, Multisite isn’t what I’m looking for. I have 5 websites using WordPress all on separate domains that I would like to enable user accounts for. I need user data to be shared across the entire network and when a user creates an account, they would have instant access to all other websites … Read more

Is it mandatory to use $wpdb->prefix in custom tables

Sorry if this question is trivial. I’m just beginning to develop plugins in WordPress. In all the tutorials I found this: while creating the custom tables, $wpdb->prefix is used. Example: $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . “liveshoutbox”; My question: Is it mandatory to use $wpdb->prefix? What happens If I don’t use prefix for my custom tables? 2 … Read more