After updating wordpress 4.5 my homepage and images not displaying

My site is After Updating wordpress 4.5,it couldn’t load my images and articles on Homepage, and dashboard also doesn’t show when i move my cursor over there. Any solution? 2 Answers 2 You are using a theme or plugin that uses a jQuery-dependent script with poor syntax. In this screenshot below of the browser … Read more

Send email to Admin when user/member updates specific user/member data

I have previously asked about How to automatically send email to Admin when a user/member changes his/hers profile data. And got some very good answers. Send automatic mail to Admin when user/member changes/adds profile Now a follow up: I only want to send/email the data (profiledata) that was updated/added. 2 Answers 2 So, as Bainternet … Read more

Updating client websites on a regular basis

I hope the following question is acceptable here, as it’s half WordPress-related and half-business related. Updating WP regularly is important for security purposes, but it can be time consuming if there are many websites to update and even more if some updates require plugin updates (and in some cases, a plugin ceases to work after … Read more