Traversing text in Insert mode

While in Insert Mode in Vim, is there any way to traverse the text moving some characters forward and backward other than using the arrow keys? If I press h, j, k and l while in Insert mode, the actual characters are printed on screen instead of moving through the text. The way I’m doing … Read more

Find and replace strings in vim on multiple lines

I can do :%s/<search_string>/<replace_string>/g for replacing a string across a file, or :s/<search_string>/<replace_string>/ to replace in current line. How can I select and replace words from selective lines in vim? Example: replace text from lines 6-10, 14-18 but not from 11-13. 1Best Answer 11 Replace All: :%s/foo/bar/g Find each occurrence of ‘foo’ (in all lines), … Read more