Can I record/play macros in Visual Studio 2012/2013/2015/2017/2019?

Apparently macros were dropped from Visual Studio 2012. Is there a plugin/extension/tool that will let me record & play keyboard macros (much like the record/play temporary macro in Visual Studio 2010)? For example, I typically would use a macro when converting code from one language to another or to quickly generate properties from a text list, etc. 10 Answers … Read more

How can I install the VS2017 version of msbuild on a build server without installing the IDE?

Historically, this has been done with the Microsoft Build Tools. But it seems that the Build Tools may not be available for versions after 2015. The replacement appears to be the Visual Studio build tools, which doesn’t seem to have a real homepage yet. I downloaded the VS2017 Professional installer, and went to the Individual … Read more

Unit Tests not discovered in Visual Studio 2017

I have been struggling with VS 2017 since I installed it. Now it seems Unit Tests will only run from the command line “dotnet test.” My project is .NET Core 1.1.1. I have the SDK and the framework update for 1.1.1 installed. I have tried the sample at MSDN ( which also fails exactly the … Read more

How can I fix the Microsoft Visual Studio error: “package did not load correctly”?

I installed Visual Studio 2012 and DevExpress 13.1. As Visual Studio started, it generated an error shown by this attached image, The ‘Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor.Implementation.EditorPackage’ package did not load correctly. The problem may have been caused by a configuration change or by the installation of another extension. You can get more information by examining the file ‘C:\Users\must\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0\ActivityLog.xml’. Continue to … Read more

Equivalent to AssemblyInfo in dotnet core/csproj

Since dotnet core moved back to the .csproj format, there is a new autogenerated MyProject.AssemblyInfo.cs which contains, among others: [assembly: AssemblyCompany(“MyProject”)] [assembly: AssemblyVersion(“”)] Note that this is automatically regenerated every build. Previously, the file was found in the /obj/ directory, now it appears to be only in memory as the file can’t be found on … Read more