Why does a function with no parameters (compared to the actual function definition) compile?

I’ve just come across someone’s C code that I’m confused as to why it is compiling. There are two points I don’t understand. The function prototype has no parameters compared to the actual function definition. The parameter in the function definition does not have a type. #include <stdio.h> int func(); int func(param) { return param; … Read more

How to mock void methods with Mockito

How to mock methods with void return type? I implemented an observer pattern but I can’t mock it with Mockito because I don’t know how. And I tried to find an example on the Internet but didn’t succeed. My class looks like this: public class World { List<Listener> listeners; void addListener(Listener item) { listeners.add(item); } … Read more

What does “javascript:void(0)” mean?

<a href=”javascript:void(0)” id=”loginlink”>login</a> I’ve seen such hrefs many times, but I don’t know what exactly that means. 1 14 The void operator evaluates the given expression and then returns undefined. The void operator is often used merely to obtain the undefined primitive value, usually using “void(0)” (which is equivalent to “void 0”). In these cases, … Read more