How to set WYSIWYG editor width within wp_editor() function?

This is my current code: $initial_data = $this->options[‘my_plugin_editor’]; $settings = array( ‘quicktags’ => array(‘buttons’ => ’em,strong,link’,), ‘quicktags’ => true, ‘tinymce’ => true, ‘textarea_rows’ => 20, ); $id = ‘my_plugin_editor_options[my_plugin_editor]’; wp_editor($initial_data,$id,$settings); The problem is I am unable to set the width of the editor. I can set the height ‘textarea_rows’ => 20, but I am not … Read more

Drag-and-drop “Panels”-style visual layout editor?

I’m a combination Drupal and WordPress developer and have recently started playing with Drupal’s Panels module — which allows you to create flexible layouts and drop content blocks (The Drupal equivalent of widgets) in place on either a per-layout or per-content item basis. I’m now working on a WordPress project that would really benefit from … Read more

Cite-Tag for blockquotes

I want to have a cite underneath my blockquote, that has a certain style. “Blockquotes are an essential part of a fancy website.” – Cite The markup should look like this: <blockquote><p>Blockquotes are an essential part of a fancy website.”</p> <cite>Cite</cite></blockquote> But the WYSIWYG-Editor does not offer me the possibility to define a cite for … Read more

How can I stop TinyMCE from converting my HTML entities to characters?

Here’s the problem: I paste the HTML entity code for, let’s say, a service mark (&#8480;) into the HTML view of the editor. As soon as I switch to the “visual” tab, my entity code is turned into an actual service mark character (I guess the corresponding UTF-8 character or something? I don’t know from … Read more