Is it possible for intellij to organize imports the same way as in Eclipse?

I’m working on a project where all the team members are using Eclipse and I’m the only IDEA user. This creates a lot of noise from imports rearrangements. The order in which eclipse imports is: Java, Javax, Org, Com, everything else in alphabetical order. Is it possible to configure IDEA to follow these rules? 4 … Read more

intellij incorrectly saying no beans of type found for autowired repository

I have created a simple unit test but IntelliJ is incorrectly highlighting it red. marking it as an error No beans? As you can see below it passes the test? So it must be Autowired? 43 Answers 43 I had this same issue when creating a Spring Boot application using their @SpringBootApplication annotation. This annotation … Read more

Why does IntelliJ give me “Package doesn’t exist” error?

I’m trying to use the barbecue barcode printing library. I have successfully added the library to IntelliJ through project structure add library. Then I imported the packages and wrote the methods, which gave me no error. The packages were available in the class. But when I compile it gives me the error: error: package net.sourceforge.barbecue … Read more

IntelliJ: Error:java: error: release version 5 not supported

I’m using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 2019.3.1. Whenever I try to start any simple Java Maven project (may it be even a simple Hello World) I get the following error: Error:java: error: release version 5 not supported Running java –version by terminal I get the following output: openjdk 11.0.5 2019-10-15 OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 11.0.5+10-post-Ubuntu-0ubuntu1.1) OpenJDK … Read more

IntelliJ IDEA with Junit 4.7 “!!! JUnit version 3.8 or later expected:”

When I attempt to run the following test in IntelliJ IDEA I get the message: “!!! JUnit version 3.8 or later expected:” It should be noted that this is an Android project I am working on in IntelliJ IDEA 9. public class GameScoreUtilTest { @Test public void testCalculateResults() throws Exception { final Game game = … Read more