What’s the easiest way to call a function every 5 seconds in jQuery? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Calling a function every 60 seconds (15 answers) Closed 4 years ago. JQuery, how to call a function every 5 seconds. I’m looking for a way to automate the changing of images in a slideshow. I’d rather not install any other 3rd party plugins if possible. 7 s 7 … Read more

How to set a Timer in Java?

So the first part of the answer is how to do what the subject asks as this was how I initially interpreted it and a few people seemed to find helpful. The question was since clarified and I’ve extended the answer to address that. Setting a timer First you need to create a Timer (I’m … Read more

Pause the timer and then continue it

If you have already canceled one timer, you can’t re-start it, you’ll have to create a new one. See this answer, it contains a video and the source code how I did something similar. Basically there are two method: pause and resume In pause: public void pause() { this.timer.cancel(); } In resume: public void resume() { … Read more

Make a simple timer in Java

This is not difficult. However, I would caution you that I have seen some very confused answers on stack overflow, in some cases shockingly poor coding habits, so be very careful. First let me answer the question. If seem that the biggest mistake that programmers make in implementing a timer, is thinking that they need … Read more