git rebase without changing commit timestamps

Would it make sense to perform git rebase while preserving the commit timestamps? I believe a consequence would be that the new branch will not necessarily have commit dates chronologically. Is that theoretically possible at all? (e.g. using plumbing commands; just curious here) If it is theoretically possible, then is it possible in practice with … Read more

How do I automatically update a timestamp in PostgreSQL

I want the code to be able to automatically update the time stamp when a new row is inserted as I can do in MySQL using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP. How will I be able to achieve this in PostgreSQL? CREATE TABLE users ( id serial not null, firstname varchar(100), middlename varchar(100), lastname varchar(100), email varchar(200), timestamp timestamp … Read more

How to get correct timestamp in C#

I would like to get valid timestamp in my application so I wrote: public static String GetTimestamp(DateTime value) { return value.ToString(“yyyyMMddHHmmssffff”); } // …later on in the code String timeStamp = GetTimestamp(new DateTime()); Console.WriteLine(timeStamp); output: 000101010000000000 I wanted something like: 20140112180244 What have I done wrong? 6 Answers 6

Python UTC datetime object’s ISO format doesn’t include Z (Zulu or Zero offset)

Why python 2.7 doesn’t include Z character (Zulu or zero offset) at the end of UTC datetime object’s isoformat string unlike JavaScript? >>> datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() ‘2013-10-29T09:14:03.895210′ Whereas in javascript >>> console.log(new Date().toISOString()); 2013-10-29T09:38:41.341Z Best Answers Python datetime objects don’t have time zone info by default, and without it, Python actually violates the ISO 8601 specification (if no time … Read more

Register script/style: Is it possible to customize the version query string via plugin?

Expanding on the question in the title: I would like to find a way (via a plugin) to use timestamps for the JS and CSS file version query strings that are output with wp_register_style and wp_register_script. I know this can be easily modified in the calls themselves, and I do it this way currently: $style_mtime … Read more